Liquid Voice


  • IT Services
  • Managed Services Providers

The outcomes


Increase in (relevant) website visitors within six months
Decrease in bounce rate
Leads from website forms

Liquid Voice 

Founded in 2004, Liquid Voice has grown to become one of the leading privately owned specialists in interaction capture and analytics with customers world-wide supported from our centres of excellence in the UK and New Zealand. 

We are innovators and at the core of our solutions is a set of smart analytics capabilities that enables our customers to inspect, understand and analyse every interaction they are having with their customers. 

The challenge

In a busy market and with a fantastic product, Liquid Voice were in a situation familiar with many of our clients when we first meet them: how to demonstrate the value of their product versus a competition which, quite often has a louder voice in the market.  

Central to this frustration was a website which did little for the business, failing to convey a compelling story about Liquid Voice and the benefits of their solutions for customers and contributing little to either brand or lead generation.  

Cremarc’s first task was to develop a new tone of voice and messaging that better told the story of Liquid Voice and made clear the many advantages the company’s call recording and analytics solutions deliver, versus others in the market, and then, with this messaging redevelop the website into one that delivered greater brand recognition and lead generation.   

B2B Tech Marketing Case Study by Cremarc

“The Cremarc team have demonstrated throughout their work with Liquid Voice an understanding of our business, our product and our market and have enabled us to tell a compelling story as to why Liquid Voice really does bring unmatched benefits to our clients in banking, contact centre and the emergency services.”

Chris Burden

Liquid Voice

Why cremarc

Key to being able to deliver against client objectives was the need for a marketing agency that could deliver creativity and marketing best practice, but also be able to understand liquid voice’s prospective audience and the challenges they face.   

Having worked with us in the past, and aware of the fact that Cremarc have worked with many clients in the contact centre sector and related sectors. We immediately understood the challenge, and leveraging our own experience set to work distilling the technical features of the Liquid Voice product set into a more compelling, benefits-led suite of communications that prospective clients could identify with. 

That meant the management team could spend less time explaining the business, products and the market, leaving the Cremarc team to create content, visuals and campaign messaging that resonated with prospects with little oversight. 

Built to engage and convert 

Beyond the initial website redevelopment, a full programme of ongoing marketing activity was also agreed upon, with the site remaining at its centre as a focus for content and lead generation.  This meant that, during the three-month build time, the Cremarc team were also hard at work creating a full suite of new assets, such as Best Practice Guides, Case Studies and infographics, from scratch.   

Added to the workload was the implementation of a marketing automation platform, initially spec’d as Act-On, however this was changed to Zoho Campaigns mid-way through the project to better align with the client’s CRM.  

With Liquid Voice keen to ensure marketing activity could begin in October, in order to secure some new business wins before year end, and all activity dependent on the website delivery, there was significant pressure to keep all activities – website, campaign preparation and content development – on track, something which took meticulous planning. 

Demonstrating short-term impact 

Hitting that October deadline emphatically, the team then rolled out a series of communications to existing Liquid Voice customers and new prospects, while our heavy focus on improvements to SEO meant site traffic jumped by 65% from October to December, with organic traffic rising 55% over that same period. 

A journey of continuous improvement 

Not ones to rest on our laurels, Cremarc have continued to work with Liquid Voice throughout the last three years, delivering ongoing improvements to website performance and a steady flow of leads through a mix of outbound and inbound marketing activity.   Website traffic is now 300% that of 2020, while we delivered over 80 leads and through the site last year.  

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