Your B2B Marketing Automation Agency
B2B MarTech
As marketers we have never had it so good. As more of our world has gone digital, we now have the luxury of a plethora of marketing technology (MarTech). These tools enable us to track, analyse and automate. By employing a B2B Marketing Automation Agency you gain access to a team of people experienced with harnessing marketing technology to increase the engagement and reach of your brand, with the minimum of cost and time outlays, to deliver you the results that you need.
As marketing automation experts, we are helping our clients maximise their investment in marketing automation, leverage tools to create true marketing telemetry, and gain greater insight into the return on every aspect of marketing.

Marketing Telemetry
In the world of digital marketing everything is trackable. However, key data often sits in different silos, providing snapshots rather than a holistic view.
Marketing Telemetry gathers the data points across all your marketing activity and pulls this together in a way that enables you to connect the dots. By doing this you can see the cause and effect of everything you do and gain a more accurate picture of the return on each investment.
01Defining your KPI
We work with you to define those performance indicators that are key to your sucess and what you are looking to achieve. We then leverage the data available to analyse and report against your KPIs.
02Capturing the datapoints
Marketing Telemetry does not just look at the KPIs but what is driving the KPIs. We help you identify the datapoints that influence performance and capture this data from your tools and systems.
03Turning data into better action
We enable you to measure the outcomes of marketing, understand the marketing funnel, and see not just the KPIs but also what is contributing to these. This holistic approach enables you to analyse, learn, and improve.

Attribution tracking
The key to Marketing Telemetry is the ability to track attributes – what activity is producing the touchpoints, that are progressing an initial engagement down the marketing funnels, and producing opportunities?
We help you utilise the different platforms, to capture these touchpoints and build a way of attribution tracking. This can help you to truly understand which activity, or combination of activities, are producing the best outcomes.
Once this data is captured, your eyes are opened to what generates leads, what progresses leads, and what converts leads.